Focus on Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship

Innovations has included in it's mission the aim of developing a sense of sustainability and environmental stewardship across all the disciplines. Throughout the year, students are involved in community service projects and environmental stewardship projects to live in the mission of sustainability and developing strong stewards to our island home.


5 tons of plastic waste pulled out of the Pacific Ocean, turned into a 4 story tall whale for the 2018 Bruges Triennial. Innovations students helped to collect this plastic at the Dirtiest Beach in the World - on our island's south shore: Kamilo Bea…

5 tons of plastic waste pulled out of the Pacific Ocean, turned into a 4 story tall whale for the 2018 Bruges Triennial. Innovations students helped to collect this plastic at the Dirtiest Beach in the World - on our island's south shore: Kamilo Beach.

Seiko Sister School

Innovations Public Charter School established a sister school partnership with Seiko Gakuen Primary School in Tokushima Japan in 2007. Each year, students Seiko's 5th and 6th year students travel to Kona to spend a week attending school at Innovations. Involved in all academic classes as well as curriculum-based field trips, Seiko students also share presentations of their shared studies on a joint curriculum unit of study with Innovations' students. Presentations are done in English with student-created visuals and demonstrations that meet Seiko School's bilingual expectation component for its students. The share curriculum units of study facilitate the study of topics through multiple perspectives, resources and exploration by students of both countries.


Innovations' aims to send a group of interested students on exchange to Tokushima every other year. Six groups have traveled to Japan to date most recently in 2018. It is a wonderful experience of cultural exchange, curriculum immersion, site seeing and fun. Students spend a week in Tokushima attending school with their Seiko peers and participate in homestays for 4-6 nights - living the life of a student in Japan. We then travel together as a group to famous, noteable sites in cities such as Osaka, Kyoto and Hiroshima.



After School Care Program

Innovations offers after school care for latch-key children in grades K-6. After school care is provided on school days from the time of dismissal to 5:30pm. Students must register to enroll and meet requirements for participation in the program.


Innovations' after care program offers students a safe, caring, nuturing environment with opportunities for a healthy late afternoon meal, outdoor play exploration, arts and crafts, homework monitoring as well as fun themed activities during the week.